Friday, June 15, 2012

Rewards for good behavior

You work hard, stick to your diet, chug water, and work out at 5am... You could stand a little reward! I found this bag at Forever21, I loved it for the bright color (I hail from Seattle, where sunshine is rare, so I get my warm happy colors from clothes, etc), I loved that it was huge so I can throw flip flops, water, snacks, a small staircase, or small nephew in there, and it has a fun cheetah print lining to contrast the hot pink! But the straps where kinda long, and cheap plastic vinyl crap that flakes and cracks and makes a mess on your shoulder. And I didn't even know it had an outside pocket until I got home because the outside was plain. I have a solution!

So.... I took some lace, some ribbon, fabric stiffener, measured all my  pieces and applied the fabric stiffener and let it dry over night. I sewed the lace over the ribbon, then onto the hardware where the old straps were places and TA DA!!!! custom reward, just the way I like it!

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